
With all the sewing that's been going on in my life, I'm always happy when I find time to make something for myself.. Usually I like to use one of Burda Style patterns.. There are so many I want to try, especially from recent issues.. Before Easter Mokosha and I came up with something like a challenge.. We both wanted to make shirt-dresses from April's Burda issue.. Challenge was simple, we both needed to have dresses ready to wear on Easter.. There are two versions of the pattern.. You can see on Mokosha's post how first version #119 looks like.. I was immediately drawn to the ruffles on the second version (#120).. This was a good opportunity for both of us to actually write blog posts.. 

We had only a couple of days to finish our projects.. At that time I already had trip to Brač planed, and only three days left for sewing.. Making this dress took longer than I estimated.. The pattern is very simple, there are no darts at the bodice.. The most complicated steps are sewing the button placket and collar stand (and that's super easy).. On the other hand, sewing all those ruffles was time consuming (and worth the effort).. For this dress I used the fabric I had in my stash.. I bought this lightweight cotton last year.. First I saw this vibrant blue fabric with fruit print.. With a closer look I saw that the fruits are carried by ants!! So cute!! Luckily there was about two meters of this fabric cuteness, which was enough for making the shirt-dress.. I was thinking about sewing red or pink buttons, and ended up with red ones which I had in my stash.. 

I like the outcome very much.. And so do my friends.. This fabric puts a smile on everybody's face :D My dress was ready for Brač, and I'm glad I got to wear it just for a while on Easter, like Mokosha and I planed.. The weather was constantly changing, so it was all about layers those days.. I included here photos from that magnificent place.. May was colder this year.. Almost a month after our little challenge Mokosha and I finally got together to photograph our makes..

Behind the camera - Mokosha and Jovana 


  1. gorgeous dress. i think i'm most impressed not by your amazing sewing skills and great taste in fabrics, but in translating what's shown in the photos and technical drawings in the patterns into this end product. It's WAAAAY better than the one in April Burda - saw that one and thought that it was too twee. Yours is actually wearable and functional. #sewinggoals

    1. Thank you so much :) I usually don't pay much attention at photos of garments in Burda.. Many things look wrong there ;) Only by looking at technical drawing I decide if I want to try something.. I've seen many versions of this model on instagram and they all look great.. I'm not a big social media person, and I neglected my blog space because I'm trying to be active on ig (@lejditea).. For me that's enough, and that's the main reason why my blog is suffering.. I'll try to change that, but no promises ;)
      Once again, thanks a lot for the support :D

  2. oh... and more blog posts please! Was super excited to see this one today - have been checking at least once a month and sad to see nothing till today! yay!

  3. it's good to read an article on your blog! I check it almost every week just in case :)
    I really like this dress a lot and I love the fabric! it's rare to find a print that is whimsical but in a more traditionnal dressmaking fabric (not just plain cotton or cotton sateen) and this makes it very interesting...
    have a great day!

    1. haha, I was surprised when I saw that my last post was in September!! Time goes by very fast.. I try to be more active on instagram ;) Even without the print with ants and fruits, this fabric is very interesting.. It's woven in a way to form lines, and there are lurex threads to give it a discrete shine ;) I don't have any good close up photos where you could see all those details..
      thanks and I wish you all the best :)


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