Quite Unusual

Three months ago I saw that in issue March/April 2019 of La Maison Victor there are patterns for his&hers undies (Boxer Matthew and culotte Piper).. I love sewing undies, very practical way to use fabric leftovers and a great gift for my friends.. Sewing boxers for my boyfriend is actually only sewing I'm doing for him.. I know that in most of the counties, you are a few clicks away from buying stuff online, in my case the issue of a sewing magazine..  Well, after first few clicks I saw that Serbia wasn't on a list of countries they ship their magazines.. Some of their patterns are released as downloadable pdf, but not the ones I want.. I even wrote to them and got the answer that they ship magazines only to few selected countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and France).. The only way for me to get the issue I had my eye on is to involve other people.. I felt kinda lucky, my sister was going on a business trip to Ghent so she got the task..  Unfortunately, the shop where she stopped to pick the magazine didn't have the issue I wanted, so she bought me the one from May/June 2019.. In that issue several patterns caught my eye.. Felicia sweater was the first one I tried.. I must mention that the issue is in Dutch, language I'm completely unfamiliar with.. Good thing about LMV is that they have illustrated step by step instructions which  makes the sewing process very easy to figure out..
The fabric I used for making my first Felicia was a gift from my mom's friend.. It is a nice textured wool blend.. I must confess that I wasn't sure if the pattern was intended for woven or knits.. I took measurements of the pattern and realized that it has enough ease for woven fabric.. The sweater has raglan sleeves, which always fits great.. And I liked the pleats on the sleeve hems the most.. There are 5 pleats on each sleeve.. A beautiful detail.. I used bias binding for a neat finish of neckline and hemlines..
You can see on the photos that the fit is good.. I didn't make a mistake by using a woven fabric.. I'm sure that this pattern would look great in solid colour.. I already have a plan to turn this pattern into a dress.. Not sure if I'll do it this winter, or it will wait until autumn.. 

Photo: Matija Vukov
