I'm Aquarius

Last week I had an unplanned birthday party.. I had limited time to prepare everything for that event, including making a birthday dress.. First I thought I had everything under control.. I knew which pattern and fabric I’ll use and I was counting that an evening before the party was enough to sew the dress.. Unfortunately, when I was nearly finished with sewing, while trying the dress on, I hated it.. Dress #1 was too depressive and too hippie, and I felt more than 10 years older wearing it.. Not a good thing.. Maybe I'll show you that dress in future.. At midnight I started thinking of a backup plan because I needed a dress #2..

You may recognize the pattern for dress #2.. It's the pattern #133 from Burda 12/2012.. I’ve used it so many times before (1, 2, 3, 4) and it was a safe option and something I had only couple of hours to make.. To be precise, I had 3 hours before my class for conservation the pottery and an hour or two after that to prepare myself (and all other finishing touches) for the party.. The fabric is very nice cotton with embroidery which is hard to see because it's all black.. I had to add something special to this simple dress and went with horizontal pleats on upper front part of the bodice.. Cute detail for which I had time to make.. Since I didn't have time to redraft the pattern for front bodice, I just marked places I wanted pleats on traced pattern and cut it.. After that I pinned all the cut pieces to the fabric.. I'm happy that everything worked out without any problems.. Because I was in a hurry, the pockets are missing.. Everything else about sewing this pattern you could have read with my previous variations.. I really love how this turned out.. I was missing a little black dress in my wardrobe, although the black is not the best color choice for someone who has albino cat :P 

Here’s a sneak peek to my new stash for sewing and knitting, all gifts from my friends.. Thanks again for all these lovely things :D Can't wait make them all into wearable pieces :)

Behind the camera - my dear friend Drx :D


  1. Replies
    1. in my case working under pressure gives good results ;) thanks :)

  2. love the pleats in the front!

  3. First, I am an aquarius too! Are aquarius overrepresented in the sewosphere, given that it is a 'creative sign'? I'll leave that to ponder on... Second, love the snitch necklace! Need one for my birthday :) Finally, that fabric is so pretty, and the pleats really gave it something extra! Happy belated birthday!

    1. Happy birthday to you too :) I guess it was in the near past, or it will come these days ;) Until recently, I would say that aquarius is very represented in the sewosphere, mostly because I though that Mokosha was aquarius too (I didn't check the dates).. The snitch necklace was a birthday gift too :D only Harry Potter fans will recognize it ;) thanks for all :D

  4. Well, happy birthday to you! And I'm curious to see that other dress, really. This one turned out beautifully and I love the pleats detail, it looks so neat! Thanks for linking to all the other renditions of this dress, they are awesome to look at (I was literally sighing). You convinced me (finally and unconsciously) to make this pattern while the winter is still around.

    1. The other dress is hanging above my bed and reminding me to finish the hemline :) I guess in near future you'll see all the problems I have with this dress.. It would be such a shame not to document my miss ;)
      I've used this pattern so many times, that I think I'm boring people with it :) I love it mostly because it has basic bodice, there are only bust darts, and it's easy to play with.. The bodice is not fitted at the waist, which means I can eat and drink however much I want :D Hope you'll like this pattern as much as I do :) Can't wait to see your make :D
      thanks :)

  5. divna i na slikama :P mada je uzivo jos bolja! uvek se iznenadim kad vidim koji si kroj koristila, posto mi je burdina fotka te haljine cudna i haljina izgleda nekako kvadratasto i bezoblicno, sto mi se ne svidja kod strukiranih haljina.. ali, sve tvoje verzije izgledaju do jajca, mozda se nekad iscimam i sasijem i sebi jednu (kad me prodje ova faza dzak haljina)

    1. i jeste haljina malo bezoblicna jer zapravo nije strukirana ;) kao haljina za devojcice :) zato mi je najzgodnije da nosim ove haljine i precesto setam prethodnu verziju od onog tvog materijala :D moz da se jede i pije bez ikakvih problema ;)

  6. happy birthday! and what a pretty dress. Love the pleat detail on the bodice.

  7. Love your creations!!!
    SSB https://facebook.com/sassysewingbees

  8. I love those pleats — good thing you decided to abandon dress #1! Happy birthday!

    1. thanks Sasha :) this dress felt more party like ;)

  9. Replies
    1. thanks :) who knows what would I make if I had more time ;)

  10. Oooh, your cat is so sweet! What a wonderful piece of fluff :-) Your dress is very pretty also, the tucks look so cool with this fabric.

    1. he he, I'm admitting, I like the cat more than the dress :) thanks :)


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