La Femme

I wanted to make a bustier and full circle skirt since I saw the pattern in Burda 05/2011.. It’s not like I had the fabric for it in my stash and that’s why it took me 3 years to make this dream outfit.. When I bought this lovely cotton with stretch back in October, it wasn’t the right season to think about sewing  these garments.. Now, when the weather is perfect for it I gave it a try.. 

Original pattern for bustier is #127, Burda 05/2011, and the smallest size is 72.. That meant that I had to size it down so it would fit me.. I was smart enough to make a muslin.. It turned out that with sizing down, cups were too small for my breasts! You can only imagine my surprise.. My idea was to make bustier that would be 3-5cm above my waistline.. Because of that, I wanted to sew in the boning on all the seams.. With this pattern there were only two side seams, non at front or at back.. After taking a better look at the Burda issue, I saw pattern #122 for strapless dress.. The bodice of this dress was almost identical to the pattern for bustier, and it had all the seams I needed.. I didn’t have to improvise, it was all there.. I kept size of the cups at 36 and sized down everything else.. In the end, from bustier pattern I used only the straps.. Since the fabric has a little stretch, and I used the same type of fabric for lining, the bustier is very comfortable to wear.. As soon as I made it, I wore it for days.. It is a perfect thing to wear with see-through shirts, lace sweaters, and of course, by itself.. Now my plan is to find some leftovers and make more of these.. 

The skirt is just a simple circle skirt.. I didn’t make it short, as usual.. In my opinion longer length looks better with bustier which reveals a lot of the body.. It’s a second skirt I’ve made in a month that covers my knees.. 

We were lucky to take these photos.. There has been a little rain just at time we wanted to go outside.. I was determined to finish with documenting this outfit that day.. My sister Dina and I waited for about half an hour, and when it looked safe, we went out.. We totally forgot that part of our favorite park has been closed due to concerts.. That's why we had to change our usual spot.. The only people around us were dog walkers.. It’s like they sensed the storm that was coming and wanted to walk their pets before it hits.. We were also lucky to get back home without seeing more than a couple of rain drops..

 This is how cutting of the circle skirt looked like..

I hope that the song I linked has nice lyrics as melody.. With my French, I can only understand the title.. It's like listening to Rammstein.. Great music, understand nothing.. 


  1. divno ti ispao ovaj kompletic! i skroz si me ubedila da napravim i ja taj prokleti bustier konacno! i cestitam na prvom postu, bilo je krajnje vreme :) a blog je bombonica, svidja mi se skroz kako si ga sredila :)

    1. hvala za sve :) cim nadjem vremena i materijala, pravim jos ovih krajnje prakticnih komada odece :)


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