Lonely Streets

I wanted to make this wrap blouse since the pattern was released more than a year ago.. It’s the pattern #115 from Burda 04/2014..  So many lovely makes I’ve seen on BurdaStyle so I had to make one for myself.. I had perfect fabric in my stash, soft purple rayon.. Adding scalloped edges was my only modification.. In the meantime I made various other projects with scallops, and probably bored many of you with it.. I guess I delayed starting this project in fear of making scallops with rayon.. I thought it would be more complicated than with some firmer fabrics that I’ve used before, but I was wrong.. Scallops turned out neat, and the fabric drapes nicely.. This will surely be my most worn blouse this spring..

We had Easter yesterday and I want to show you how my Galaxy Easter Eggs turned out.. Usually I ignore all religious stuff, but this year my sister wanted me to make Easter eggs.. At first I didn’t want to do it, until she said out loud – tutorial for Galaxy Easter Eggs.. Of course I had to take a look at tutorial.. I’m freshly done with the course for conservation-restoration  of archaeological ceramics, and the way these eggs are painted is the same way we were thought to paint plaster we added in restauration of missing parts of the vessels – using acrylic colors, brushes and sponges.. The only thing we learned different is using toothbrush for making splatter.. I must add that it was more fun to work with colors that are not some kind of reddish, grayish or brownish shades as prehistoric pottery usually is.. 

Behind the camera - my favorite sister Dina :)


  1. I have never tried to make scallops with such a light fabric, but you are giving me ideas (it is not the 1st time BTW).
    I really love everything on your top!!!

    1. I also avoided making scallops in light fabrics, but the effect is maybe better than with stiffer ones :) you should make your ideas come to life ;) thanks :)

  2. Love it, the scallops and the colour! It’s beautiful.

  3. dobra su ti jajca ispala, bolja od onih sa tutorijala

    1. da se nisam ozbiljno uradila u nedelju, u pon bih imala snage da odem do radiJonice i ostavim ti jedno jaje :P

  4. I LOVE this! I've seen this top made up before, but the scallops just lift it to a whole other level. Gorgeous!

  5. Your scallops really made a difference, your blouse is much better :)

    1. thanks :) it's hard to control myself when I love making scallops everywhere ;)

  6. I've seen so many people making that Burda top, I think I will have to add it to my list. I love the colour and the scallops, so much more interesting than the white version shown on Burdastyle :)

    1. it's always easy to add scallops :) I love everything about this top, so I can recommend using this pattern ;)
      thanks :)

  7. Lovely! How did you make the scallops? Did you make an extra wide binding? Did you have to use interfacing?


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