
When I first saw the pattern for a dress #112 from Burda06/2014 I knew that I want to make it from lovely black rayon with bird print which I used for this skirt.. The silhouette has some strange ‘90s feel.. It reminds me of dresses my mom had at that time..  Reason more to make one for myself..

After taking a better look at the pattern pieces of the dress, I was afraid to cut that beautiful fabric.. All bodice pieces are cut on bias – neckline and sleeves..  My first thought was that my choice of drapey fabric will easily stretch out while sewing all those seams.. I had to change my plan and sacrifice another fabric.. Couple years ago I was happiest girl ever, when I bought one and only piece of rayon with polka dots and bobby pins.. I was keeping it for something special.. In the meanwhile, that fabric reappeared in stores, and now every seamstress in Belgrade with love for cute prints has it.. Since the fabric can still be found in the stores, decision was made – if I ruin the bobby pins fabric, I’ll go and buy more of it!! 

If I’m not wrong, this dress has kimono sleeves.. It was my second encounter with this type of sleeves, and I didn’t have any problems with sewing underarm gusset (you can see my first here).. My only change to the pattern was shorter skirt.. When I finished with sewing the dress I saw that the neckline is too wide and the dress easily slides off my shoulders.. I decided to fix it on my shoulders and at the same time hide bra straps.. That way everything is at its place.. 

The dress turned out not to be a disaster as I was afraid.. It’s super cute and it has some special magic powers.. My friend blames it on bobby pins print..  This time behind the camera was my dear friend Snave..  Usually people don’t pay a lot of attention when we do a photo-shoot on the streets.. But this time drivers that were passing us were like hypnotized looking at us.. If I only had a camera to document their faces.. And there was honking too, the thing that instantly reminds us at truck drivers on highway while we’re doing some archaeological work..  It was all so funny, and we couldn’t stop laughing.. As you can see, it was hard for me to maintain a normal face while taking these pics.. 

For the end, Snave and I wanted a photo with matching hairstyles.. We didn't have a third set of hands, so we improvised.. It was hard to pick one photo were both of us look okay.. With Snave's blessing I'm showing you this gif.. It doesn't have any sense and it's totally absurd, but fun to look at :)


  1. the wide neckline really suits you-good work on making it work out!

    1. I'm glad you like the dress :) thanks :)

    2. p.s. only after checking your profile I figured out who are you! :D thanks for stopping by T ;)

  2. :) super vam je ovaj gif.. a haljinicu sam videla i izbliza, za nju znam da je super

    1. nakon sto sam videla kako su nam smesne slike, nisam mogla da odolim da ne napravim gif ;) na kraju je bilo pitanje - da l' da pustim u javnost ili ne :D

  3. Another super cute make! I'm usually not super big on kimono/dolman sleeves in wovens, but it really works with this dress. The bobby pin fabric is perfect, I love it!

    1. patterns with these kind of sleeves are rare (or I miss them), so it's nice to try something different from time to time.. maybe in the end I'll buy more of this fabric, just to make a shirt :D
      thanks :)

  4. At first glance I thought your fabric was some kind of lace, the colors are so subtle and chic :) Good job once again at making a modern version of a Burda dress!

    1. thank you :) when you compare my color pallet with Snave's, it looks like we are from different planets :)

  5. How do you make so many awesome dresses so fast? This is really cute :)

    1. Thanks :) I don't want to sound too depressive, but sewing is the thing that keeps me sane.. If I wasn't lazy as I am, I could have a new dress every day :) Currently, my goal is to sew a garment or two per week and it works fine..

  6. Very feminine. Has such a pretty romantic vibe to it and suits you! I think those are called kimono sleeves with gusset .. the triangular shaped wedge that replaces fullness under the arm of the “regular” kimono

    1. thanks :) I also like romantic vibe this dress has :)
      I can never remember all sewing terms I come across :)

  7. I love how you made changes to that pattern ! This dress is lovely on you !

  8. Your sense of style is something outstanding! Thanks for sharing your beautiful projects! I want to sew myself almost every dress from your range :)

    1. thanks you so much for kind words :) I can't wait archaeological fieldwork to finish and come back home to sew tons of new stuff :) I'm missing it a lot :(


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