
Wedding photo from the ‘80s.. My father, Nena, Pietro and my mom.. I’m the one in the red dress, crying :) Sorry or putting here a photo of a photo.. When I return home I’ll replace it with scanned one..

Here is a special project, that I’ve managed to make before my unplanned  trip to Italy.. Many years ago, my aunt found a man of her dreams, and since he’s Italian, they married in Italy.. For their wedding, my mom made me a cute little red dress.. At that point, I was the only one of the “kids”.. Being the first, I was the center of my aunt's attention, so you can just imagine how tough for me was her decision to go and live in Italy (when I was a bit older, I saw all the advantages of having an aunt and cousins abroad)..  For some reason I didn’t want to be in the wedding photos.. I was just sitting on a fountain, crying, minding my own business, while the bride and groom were posing with guests.. You can see a little girl in a red dress in almost all of the wedding photos (like in the one I’m showing you)..

Back to the little red dress.. Although my mom made it for the wedding, I wore it a lot for special occasions as a kid (as seen here).. After some time I have outgrown the dress and my younger sister Dina continued wearing it.. The dress had a few transformations over the years.. First, it had some white applique on the front, then my mom added dots with gold sparkly fabric color, if there were any other phase, I don’t remember them.. Once I wore this dress as a costume for a Little Red Riding Hood.. It’s a miracle that the dress made of cotton chiffon survived all this time.. We kept it with some of the other clothes we had as kids, that are still special to us.. 

Recreating the pattern of this dress and adapting it for a grown-up woman was easy.. The idea of making it was on my mind for a long time.. When I saw the navy polyester chiffon with red polka dots and flowers I knew that it was closest to the red cotton chiffon I would ever get (once again remnant bin find).. It was a good compromise because I rarely wear red.. The dress has all the elements I love – baby doll shape, ruffle sleeves, and even more ruffles at the bottom of the skirt.. I made a lining for all the parts of the dress, except the back of the bodice and the sleeves..  I used french seams while sewing the dress.. Neckline I finished with the bias tape.. I made the dress a bit loose, to avoid inserting the zipper.. Everything turned out great.. The dress was ready for a photo-shoot on the same place where my aunt and uncle did their wedding photos with guests.. 

There are two more special details.. First, the shoes.. For more than two decades, shoes my mom wore on the wedding also survived! This way I had something authentic for the photo-shoot of the dress I made.. Second, this was so not planned, but it turned out that the wedding anniversary was at the time of my visit, on 5th of September.. Last week the weather was terrible.. Cold and rainy days.. I was kind of hoping that the weather will be nice and warm so we could take photos on the day of the anniversary, and it was! 

Thanks to my dear cousins Marko and Lorenzo for having patients while taking the photos.. And big thanks to Pietro and Nena for making my visit to Pescara better than I could ever imagine!! 

Lorenzo, Marko and I


  1. What a great idea to recreate a childhood favorite! It looks great on you and I love the fabric, such a great match to the style of the dress :)

    1. Thank you :) I have another dress I would like to recreate.. Just need to find the fabrics for it :)

  2. Love the whole idea behind this dress… and the dress itself is as cute as it can be. Brava!

    1. Thanks Sasha :) I had only two days to make it, and I'm very happy with the outcome :)

  3. What a fun project :)

    1. Thanks :) It was fun and kind of stressful at the same time :) There was no time for bigger mistakes..

  4. What an awesome story behind the dress! It's super adorable and how cool that you wore your Mom's shoes, took photos in the same location, and on the anniversary of the wedding! I love how even though the pattern came from a children's dress, it's very grown up and sophisticated.

    1. I'm glad you like the story and the dress :) My original plan was only to make a dress.. I knew that we kept my mom's shoes.. And that would be all.. Trip to Italy, and being there for the anniversary was something I didn't plan :D Everything happened so fast.. I had only a few days to prepare for the trip, and all turned out better that I could ever imagine :)

  5. To recreate memories like you did is such an original and funny idea. This dress is so lovely and the choice of the fabric is perfect!! :)

    1. thank you :) the idea is not very original, I've seen that done before.. I just had a special dress to recreate ;)

  6. sa ovim dodatnim elementima mi je prica o novoj staroj haljini jos zanimljivija, bas super sto imas i cipelice i sto si uspela da se uslikas na istom mestu (i to na godisnjicu!)! haljinica je savrsena, bas mi se svidja sto si ostavila ledja bez postave.. a vidi se po fotkama da uzivas u poseti :)

    1. he he, na crvenoj haljini ni spreda nije postavljeno.. nisam htela da preterujem grown-up varijanti ;P

  7. Great project. I just love a garment with such a history and thought behind it. Looks good on you.

    1. thank you very much :) if I have planed all details from the story and my project, it would have never happened..

  8. I love your shoes !, and the dresses are awesome !, But i have a question, Do you have free patterns?, thanks a lot. beautiful pictures.

    1. thanks so much :) I'm not into making patterns, so I don't have any to offer.. I just draft them for myself :)

  9. That is such a sweet story! I love it when things are just infused with personal history, despite being recently made.

    1. I'm so glad you liked the story :) thanks :)


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