My Lonesome

Now when archaeological excavations are finished I finally have time to show you first of two and a half projects I’ve made in last 40 days.. It’s not unusual for me to bring something to knit during free time.. Some of my projects that I’ve already shared on Kollabora (1, 2, 3) traveled with me on excavations and back home..  This time while I was packing I couldn’t decide for which kind of project will I have time and energy to make, so I packed one of my UFO’s and two different yarns of wool.. My UFO are mittens which I’m making without pattern.. Too complicated project for free time after spending all day freezing on fieldwork..  

One of those yarns was this chunky green wool (Souvenir) from one of my favorite yarn labels Troitsk.. When I finally got around to start knitting, I wanted something easy, without a lot of thinking.. Cowl is an easy thing to make and I needed one for fieldwork.. For a longer time I wanted to try herringbone stitch and it was perfect for what I had in mind.. Here’s youtube tutorial.. My only problem were knitting needles.. I needed thicker ones, at least 10 mm, but I brought only 6 mm ones (don’t know what I was thinking).. Luckily, my friend Olga spent first weekend at home and brought me her needles.. Making the cowl was easy and fast.. I have to admit that I’ve made longer breaks, like 10 days without knitting, but in the end the cowl was there to keep me warm during cold and windy November days..   

Big thanks to Olga for sharing knitting needles with me, and Romi for these photos :D


  1. heeei, pa ti si se vrnula konacno! dobrodosla! super ti izgleda ovaj sal, nikad nisam cula za herringbone stitch, ali sad kad sam ga videla moram da probam da i ja napravim nesto ovakvo :) deluje mi kao savrsena zabava za ubijanje vremena na poslu (sad kad sam sa vezom zavrsila)

    1. imam još brzih i lakin stičeva za pletenje koji su savršeni za pletenje uz društvo i pivo (khm, i ubijanje vremena na poslu) ;)

  2. Wow, I love this! Gorgeous colour as well, and really love the herringbone pattern.

    Also, your eye make up is super cool!

    1. thanks :) this pattern is so easy to knit, and I'm sad because I didn't have enough wool to make the cowl a bit wider (and maybe longer)..
      eye make up was inspired by the all yellows and greens around me.. good for me that I brought make up to the archaeological excavations (and used it only twice!) ;)

  3. Wow! Amazing color and amazing knitting pattern! I have never tried that!

    1. thanks Despoina :) you should try this pattern.. it's easy to make and the result is super warm ;)


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